以下的内容大部分整理自pbrt第三版的第七章——SAMPLING AND RECONSTRUCTION。
四、分层抖动采样 分层抖动采样就是在分层采样的基础上做随机抖动。分层采样(Stratified Sampling)本质上就是一维均匀采样的高维扩展,也就是高维的均匀采样方法。在此基础上,我们使得采样点做一些单个采样间隔内的随机偏移,从而达到即随机又总体上比较均匀分布的效果。以二维的采样为例,下图从左到右分别展示了随机采样、分层均匀采样、分层抖动采样的采样点分布情况。可以看到随机采样某些地方聚集、某些地方稀疏,分布得极其不理想;均匀采样均匀有规律地分布;在均匀采样的基础上做单个采样间隔内的随机抖动就得到了最右边的效果,相对于单纯的随机采样来说,采样点的分布均匀得多。
然后,理想的分层抖动采样很容易陷入维数灾难 (curse of dimensionality)的窘况。以五维采样空间为例(采样向量就是个五维向量),如果对每一维划分四层,则总共产生的子空间有$4^5=1024$,即我们要做$1024$次的采样。所以理想的分层抖动采样对于高维的采样空间不是很友好,因为维数越高,则划分的子空间数量呈指数增长。为此,人们想出了一种方法来解决这个问题,这种方法就是用一维和二维的分层抖动采样组合成高维的采样点。例如五维的采样空间,可以拆分成两维的采样、一维的采样和两维的采样。以摄像机需要的五个采样值$(x,y,t,u,v)$为例,如下图所示,我们分别在两维空间对$(x,y)$和$(u,v)$做分层抖动采样,在一维空间对$t$做分层抖动采样,分别得到四个低维的采样点,然后再将这些低维的采样点随机串起来得到一个五维的采样向量,例如$(x_2,y_2,t_1,u_1,v_1)$。注意这里的随机串联很重要。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 class StratifiedSampler : public PixelSampler { public : StratifiedSampler(int xPixelSamples, int yPixelSamples, bool jitterSamples, int nSampledDimensions) : PixelSampler(xPixelSamples * yPixelSamples, nSampledDimensions), xPixelSamples(xPixelSamples), yPixelSamples(yPixelSamples), jitterSamples(jitterSamples) {} void StartPixel (const Point2i &) ; private : const int xPixelSamples, yPixelSamples; const bool jitterSamples; };
对这些采样点进行随机打乱(这里的洗牌算法使用的是Knuth-Durstenfeld Shuffle 算法):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 void StratifiedSampler::StartPixel(const Point2i &p) { for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples1D.size(); ++i) { StratifiedSample1D(&samples1D[i][0 ], xPixelSamples * yPixelSamples, rng, jitterSamples); Shuffle(&samples1D[i][0 ], xPixelSamples * yPixelSamples, 1 , rng); } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 void StratifiedSample1D (Float *samp, int nSamples, RNG &rng, bool jitter) { Float invNSamples = (Float)1 / nSamples; for (int i = 0 ; i < nSamples; ++i) { Float delta = jitter ? rng.UniformFloat() : 0.5f ; samp[i] = std ::min((i + delta) * invNSamples, OneMinusEpsilon); } }
上面仅仅处理了一次只请求一个采样值的数据生成,接下来要处理一次性请求多个采样值的数据生成。例如某个积分器要求一次性获取$64$个二维采样向量,用这$64$个采样点对光源做重要性采样。这时我们要求这$64$个采样点在二维平面$[0,1)^2$上有良好的分布(分成$8\times 8=64$个子空间)。我们姑且称之为一个块,一个块要求的采样值数量不一,取决于使用场合。这个数量有时可能不太好对二维进行划分(例如$7$个)。一种方法就是强制使得数量为两个整数的相乘,例如令$7$变为$9=3\times 3$。
但pbrt提出了另一种采样方法解决这个问题,这个采样叫做拉丁超立方采样(Latin hypercube sampling,简称为LHS,亦被称为n-rook采样)。给定任意的待采样数量,它都能生成比较良好分布的采样点。以二维$[0,1)^2$为例,我们要在上面采样$4$个点,则将二维$[0,1)^2$空间划分成$4\times 4$个子空间,然后仅在那些对角线上的子空间中做随机采样,最后再在每一维度上对采样点随机打乱顺序。下图展示了这个过程:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 void LatinHypercube (Float *samples, int nSamples, int nDim, RNG &rng) { Float invNSamples = (Float)1 / nSamples; for (int i = 0 ; i < nSamples; ++i) for (int j = 0 ; j < nDim; ++j) { Float sj = (i + (rng.UniformFloat())) * invNSamples; samples[nDim * i + j] = std ::min(sj, OneMinusEpsilon); } for (int i = 0 ; i < nDim; ++i) { for (int j = 0 ; j < nSamples; ++j) { int other = j + rng.UniformUInt32(nSamples - j); std ::swap(samples[nDim * j + i], samples[nDim * other + i]); } } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 void StratifiedSampler::StartPixel(const Point2i &p) { ... for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples1DArraySizes.size(); ++i) for (int64_t j = 0 ; j < samplesPerPixel; ++j) { int count = samples1DArraySizes[i]; StratifiedSample1D(&sampleArray1D[i][j * count], count, rng, jitterSamples); Shuffle(&sampleArray1D[i][j * count], count, 1 , rng); } for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples2DArraySizes.size(); ++i) for (int64_t j = 0 ; j < samplesPerPixel; ++j) { int count = samples2DArraySizes[i]; LatinHypercube(&sampleArray2D[i][j * count].x, count, 2 , rng); } ... }
五、Halton采样 Halton采样算法基于低差异性的点集合,在确保生成的点集整体上不会太过聚集的同时,又考虑采样点在单个维度上的分布情况。我们将借助Hammersley序列和Halton序列实现Halton采样器。
1、Hammersley序列和Halton序列 Hammersley序列和Halton序列是两个密切相关的低差异性点集。这两个序列的生成都依赖于逆根 (radical inverse)函数实现,它基于这样的一个事实:给定一个正整数$a$和基数$b$,$a$在基数$b$下的位序列记为$d_m(a)…d_2(a)d_1(a)$,$0\leq d_i(a)\leq b-1$则有:
一个最简单的低差异性序列就是van der Corput序列,它是由基数为$2$的逆根函数生成的一维序列$x_a=\Phi_2(a)$,下图展示了这样的一个序列。
对于一个$n$维的低差异性序列,其差异性值满足$D_N^* (x_a)=O(\frac{(logN)^n}{N})$,逼近最优。设总b_的采样数量为$N$,$b_i$是第$i$个素数,则Hammersley点集被定义为:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 template <int base>PBRT_NOINLINE static Float RadicalInverseSpecialized (uint64_t a) { const Float invBase = (Float)1 / (Float)base; uint64_t reversedDigits = 0 ; Float invBaseN = 1 ; while (a) { uint64_t next = a / base; uint64_t digit = a - next * base; reversedDigits = reversedDigits * base + digit; invBaseN *= invBase; a = next; } return std ::min(reversedDigits * invBaseN, OneMinusEpsilon); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Float RadicalInverse (int baseIndex, uint64_t a) { switch (baseIndex) { case 0 : #ifndef PBRT_HAVE_HEX_FP_CONSTANTS return ReverseBits64(a) * 5.4210108624275222e-20 ; #else return ReverseBits64(a) * 0x1 p-64 ; #endif case 1 : return RadicalInverseSpecialized<3 >(a); case 2 : return RadicalInverseSpecialized<5 >(a); case 3 : return RadicalInverseSpecialized<7 >(a); ...... } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 std ::vector <uint16_t > ComputeRadicalInversePermutations(RNG &rng) { std ::vector <uint16_t > perms; int permArraySize = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; i < PrimeTableSize; ++i) permArraySize += Primes[i]; perms.resize(permArraySize); uint16_t *p = &perms[0 ]; for (int i = 0 ; i < PrimeTableSize; ++i) { for (int j = 0 ; j < Primes[i]; ++j) p[j] = j; Shuffle(p, Primes[i], 1 , rng); p += Primes[i]; } return perms; }
)就是该位扰动映射的结果。最后的invBase * perm[0] / (1 - invBase))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 template <int base>PBRT_NOINLINE static Float ScrambledRadicalInverseSpecialized(const uint16_t *perm, uint64_t a) { const Float invBase = (Float)1 / (Float)base; uint64_t reversedDigits = 0 ; Float invBaseN = 1 ; while (a) { uint64_t next = a / base; uint64_t digit = a - next * base; CHECK_LT(perm[digit], base); reversedDigits = reversedDigits * base + perm[digit]; invBaseN *= invBase; a = next; } DCHECK_LT(invBaseN * (reversedDigits + invBase * perm[0 ] / (1 - invBase)), 1.00001 ); return std ::min( invBaseN * (reversedDigits + invBase * perm[0 ] / (1 - invBase)), OneMinusEpsilon); }
2、Halton采样器的实现 Halton采样器基于Halton序列实现,相比于分层抖动采样,它的采样操作没有使用伪随机数。因此Halton采样的方法有可能出现走样现象而不是噪声。Halton序列的采样是一种全局采样器,设总共的像素数为$m$,每个像素的采样数量为$k$,每个采样向量维数为$d$,则它利用Halton序列生成$m\times k$个采样。每个采样都有一个全局索引$0,1,…,m\times k-1$,第$j$个采样向量的第$i$个维度使用扰动的Halton序列生成采样值$p(\Phi_{b_i}(j))$,注意根逆函数的输入是采样向量编号$j$和第$i$个素数。大致的实现思路就是这样。
因此我们要构建像素坐标$(x,y)$和该像素获取的采样向量的全局索引$s$的对应关系。对于每一个采样向量,该向量的前两维用于构建这种对应关系。以第一个采样向量为例,其全局索引$s=0$,注意到前两维的采样值分别由$\Phi_2(s=0)$和$\Phi_3(s=0)$生成(使用的基数分别为$2$和$3$)。假设像素的宽$w=2^j$、高$h=3^k$,则总共的像素数量为$2^j\times 3^k$,想办法把$x$和$\Phi_2(s=0)$关联起来,$y$同理。设$\Phi_2(s=0)=0.d_1(0)d_2(0)…d_j(0)…d_m(0)$,则将$\Phi_2(0)$和$2^j$相乘得$d_1(0)d_2(0)…d_j(0).d_{j+1}(0)…d_m(0)$,取这里的整数部分$d_1(0)d_2(0)…d_j(0)$与像素坐标的$x$对应起来,因为$d_1(0)d_2(0)…d_j(0)$取值在$[0,2^j-1]$,刚好对应图像的宽度(即横向的像素数量)。
总共生成$2^j\times 3^k\times spp$,$spp$是每个像素的采样数量,这些采样数量每隔$2^j\times 3^k$作为一组全部像素的单个采样点集合。例如某个像素的初始的采样点索引为$2$,则下一个应该是$2^j\times 3^k+2$,再下一个应该是$2^j\times 3^k+3$,依次类推下去。创建HaltonSampler
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 class HaltonSampler : public GlobalSampler { public : HaltonSampler(int nsamp, const Bounds2i &sampleBounds, bool sampleAtCenter = false ); int64_t GetIndexForSample(int64_t sampleNum) const ; Float SampleDimension (int64_t index, int dimension) const ; std ::unique_ptr <Sampler> Clone(int seed); private : static std ::vector <uint16_t > radicalInversePermutations; Point2i baseScales, baseExponents; int sampleStride; int multInverse[2 ]; mutable Point2i pixelForOffset = Point2i(std ::numeric_limits<int >::max(), std ::numeric_limits<int >::max()); mutable int64_t offsetForCurrentPixel; bool sampleAtPixelCenter; const uint16_t *PermutationForDimension (int dim) const { if (dim >= PrimeTableSize) LOG(FATAL) << StringPrintf("HaltonSampler can only sample %d " "dimensions." , PrimeTableSize); return &radicalInversePermutations[PrimeSums[dim]]; } };
存储$2^j\times 3^k$。offsetForCurrentPixel
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Float HaltonSampler::SampleDimension(int64_t index, int dim) const { if (sampleAtPixelCenter && (dim == 0 || dim == 1 )) return 0.5f ; if (dim == 0 ) return RadicalInverse(dim, index >> baseExponents[0 ]); else if (dim == 1 ) return RadicalInverse(dim, index / baseScales[1 ]); else return ScrambledRadicalInverse(dim, index, PermutationForDimension(dim)); }
六、(0,2)序列采样 (0,2)序列采样也是一种特殊的低差异性序列,与分层抖动采样相比,它生成的采样分布情况更加优良。以基数$2$对二维空间$[0,1)^2$进行分割(其实就是二分),取两个非负整数$l_1$和$l_2$作为分割深度,则分割的区间集合为:
其中$a_i=0,1,2,4,…,2^{l_i-1}$。(0,2)序列生成的$2^{l_1+l_2}$个采样中,上述的区间都将包含一个采样点,分布情况非常优秀。每生成$2^{l_1+l_2}$个 采样点都符合上述情况,因此以$2^{l_1+l_2}$个采样点作为一个批次,逐个批次为不同的像素生成采样点。(0,2)序列本质上是Sobol序列的前两维,它也用到了前面的根逆函数。但是考虑到根逆函数为不同基数(大于$2$的基数)的计算的计算量有点过于庞大,考虑将大于$2$的基数的逆根计算转换成基数为$2$的逆根计算。一种高效的方法就是使用生成矩阵(generator matrices) 将其他不同基数的逆根计算转换到同一个基数下的逆根计算。
设基数为$b$,非负整数$a$的位数为$n$,第$i$位为$d_i(a)$,我们有一个$n\times n$的生成矩阵$C$,则可以生成$x_a\in [0,1)$的采样点如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 inline uint32_t MultiplyGenerator (const uint32_t *C, uint32_t a) { uint32_t v = 0 ; for (int i = 0 ; a != 0 ; ++i, a >>= 1 ) if (a & 1 ) v ^= C[i]; return v; }
的结果$v$再与$[b^{-1} b^{-2} … b^n]$相乘等价于将$v$做二进制位的镜像翻转再除以$2^{32}$,这样就得到了我们所需的采样值$x_a$。为了进一步减少位翻转的开销,pbrt里在传入MultiplyGenerator
1 2 3 4 5 inline Float SampleGeneratorMatrix (const uint32_t *C, uint32_t a, uint32_t scramble = 0 ) { return std ::min((MultiplyGenerator(C, a) ^ scramble) * Float(0x1 p-32 ), OneMinusEpsilon); }
上面给出了一种高效的采样值计算过程。但pbrt指出,我们可以实现更高效的采样值生成过程。更高效的实现是从生成采样值的过程中以格雷码(gray code)的顺序执行入手。对于$n$位的$a$,$a$的取值范围为$0$到$2^n-1$,格雷码以一种特殊的顺序枚举$0$到$2^n-1$之间的数字,这种特殊的顺序表现在两个相邻的格雷码之间仅有一个二进制位不同 ,如下图的$g(n)$所示:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 inline void GrayCodeSample (const uint32_t *C, uint32_t n, uint32_t scramble, Float *p) { uint32_t v = scramble; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { p[i] = std ::min(v * Float(0x1 p-32 ) , OneMinusEpsilon); v ^= C[CountTrailingZeros(i + 1 )]; } }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 inline void GrayCodeSample (const uint32_t *C0, const uint32_t *C1, uint32_t n, const Point2i &scramble, Point2f *p) { uint32_t v[2 ] = {(uint32_t )scramble.x, (uint32_t )scramble.y}; for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < n; ++i) { p[i].x = std ::min(v[0 ] * Float(0x1 p-32 ), OneMinusEpsilon); p[i].y = std ::min(v[1 ] * Float(0x1 p-32 ), OneMinusEpsilon); v[0 ] ^= C0[CountTrailingZeros(i + 1 )]; v[1 ] ^= C1[CountTrailingZeros(i + 1 )]; } }
的(0,2)序列采样器,这个采样器对于摄像机的五个采样值(即$(x,y,t,u,v)$)以及其他二维的采样值使用扰动的(0,2)序列生成,剩下的一维采样值使用扰动的van der Corput序列生成(就是基数为$2$的根逆函数生成的序列)。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 class ZeroTwoSequenceSampler : public PixelSampler { public : ZeroTwoSequenceSampler(int64_t samplesPerPixel, int nSampledDimensions = 4 ); void StartPixel (const Point2i &) ; std ::unique_ptr <Sampler> Clone(int seed); int RoundCount (int count) const { return RoundUpPow2(count); } };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZeroTwoSequenceSampler::ZeroTwoSequenceSampler(int64_t samplesPerPixel, int nSampledDimensions) : PixelSampler(RoundUpPow2(samplesPerPixel), nSampledDimensions) { if (!IsPowerOf2(samplesPerPixel)) Warning( "Pixel samples being rounded up to power of 2 " "(from %" PRId64 " to %" PRId64 ")." , samplesPerPixel, RoundUpPow2(samplesPerPixel)); }
生成van der Corput序列,van der Corput序列本身就是由基数为$2$的根逆函数生成,因此生成矩阵就是一个单位矩阵。下面的CVanDerCorput
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 inline void VanDerCorput (int nSamplesPerPixelSample, int nPixelSamples, Float *samples, RNG &rng) { uint32_t scramble = rng.UniformUInt32(); const uint32_t CVanDerCorput[32 ] = { 0b10000000000000000000000000000000 , 0b1000000000000000000000000000000 , 0b100000000000000000000000000000 , 0b10000000000000000000000000000 , ... }; int totalSamples = nSamplesPerPixelSample * nPixelSamples; GrayCodeSample(CVanDerCorput, totalSamples, scramble, samples); for (int i = 0 ; i < nPixelSamples; ++i) Shuffle(samples + i * nSamplesPerPixelSample, nSamplesPerPixelSample, 1 , rng); Shuffle(samples, nPixelSamples, nSamplesPerPixelSample, rng); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 inline void Sobol2D (int nSamplesPerPixelSample, int nPixelSamples, Point2f *samples, RNG &rng) { Point2i scramble; scramble[0 ] = rng.UniformUInt32(); scramble[1 ] = rng.UniformUInt32(); const uint32_t CSobol[2 ][32 ] = { {0x80000000 , 0x40000000 , 0x20000000 , 0x10000000 , 0x8000000 , 0x4000000 , 0x2000000 , 0x1000000 , 0x800000 , 0x400000 , 0x200000 , 0x100000 , 0x80000 , 0x40000 , 0x20000 , 0x10000 , 0x8000 , 0x4000 , 0x2000 , 0x1000 , 0x800 , 0x400 , 0x200 , 0x100 , 0x80 , 0x40 , 0x20 , 0x10 , 0x8 , 0x4 , 0x2 , 0x1 }, {0x80000000 , 0xc0000000 , 0xa0000000 , 0xf0000000 , 0x88000000 , 0xcc000000 , 0xaa000000 , 0xff000000 , 0x80800000 , 0xc0c00000 , 0xa0a00000 , 0xf0f00000 , 0x88880000 , 0xcccc0000 , 0xaaaa0000 , 0xffff0000 , 0x80008000 , 0xc000c000 , 0xa000a000 , 0xf000f000 , 0x88008800 , 0xcc00cc00 , 0xaa00aa00 , 0xff00ff00 , 0x80808080 , 0xc0c0c0c0 , 0xa0a0a0a0 , 0xf0f0f0f0 , 0x88888888 , 0xcccccccc , 0xaaaaaaaa , 0xffffffff }}; GrayCodeSample(CSobol[0 ], CSobol[1 ], nSamplesPerPixelSample * nPixelSamples, scramble, samples); for (int i = 0 ; i < nPixelSamples; ++i) Shuffle(samples + i * nSamplesPerPixelSample, nSamplesPerPixelSample, 1 , rng); Shuffle(samples, nPixelSamples, nSamplesPerPixelSample, rng); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 void ZeroTwoSequenceSampler::StartPixel(const Point2i &p) { ProfilePhase _(Prof::StartPixel); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples1D.size(); ++i) VanDerCorput(1 , samplesPerPixel, &samples1D[i][0 ], rng); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples2D.size(); ++i) Sobol2D(1 , samplesPerPixel, &samples2D[i][0 ], rng); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples1DArraySizes.size(); ++i) VanDerCorput(samples1DArraySizes[i], samplesPerPixel, &sampleArray1D[i][0 ], rng); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples2DArraySizes.size(); ++i) Sobol2D(samples2DArraySizes[i], samplesPerPixel, &sampleArray2D[i][0 ], rng); PixelSampler::StartPixel(p); }
七、最大最短距离采样 (0,2)序列有时生成的采样点也会过于聚集,一种可行的解决方案就是使用一对不同的生成矩阵,使得既可以生成良好分布的(0,2)序列,又可以最大化采样点之间的最短距离。下面将实现一个最大最短距离采样器MaxMinDistSampler
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 class MaxMinDistSampler : public PixelSampler { public : ... private : const uint32_t *CPixel; };
1 extern uint32_t CMaxMinDist[17 ][32 ];
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MaxMinDistSampler(int64_t samplesPerPixel, int nSampledDimensions) : PixelSampler([](int64_t spp) { if (!IsPowerOf2(spp)) { spp = RoundUpPow2(spp); Warning("Non power-of-two sample count rounded up to %" PRId64 " for MaxMinDistSampler." , spp); } return spp; }(samplesPerPixel), nSampledDimensions) { int Cindex = Log2Int(samplesPerPixel); CPixel = CMaxMinDist[Cindex]; }
它生成采样点的过程是这样的。对于第一个维度的二维的采样值,用Point2f(i * invSPP, SampleGeneratorMatrix(CPixel, i))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 void MaxMinDistSampler::StartPixel(const Point2i &p) { Float invSPP = (Float)1 / samplesPerPixel; for (int i = 0 ; i < samplesPerPixel; ++i) samples2D[0 ][i] = Point2f(i * invSPP, SampleGeneratorMatrix(CPixel, i)); Shuffle(&samples2D[0 ][0 ], samplesPerPixel, 1 , rng); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples1D.size(); ++i) VanDerCorput(1 , samplesPerPixel, &samples1D[i][0 ], rng); for (size_t i = 1 ; i < samples2D.size(); ++i) Sobol2D(1 , samplesPerPixel, &samples2D[i][0 ], rng); for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples1DArraySizes.size(); ++i) { int count = samples1DArraySizes[i]; VanDerCorput(count, samplesPerPixel, &sampleArray1D[i][0 ], rng); } for (size_t i = 0 ; i < samples2DArraySizes.size(); ++i) { int count = samples2DArraySizes[i]; Sobol2D(count, samplesPerPixel, &sampleArray2D[i][0 ], rng); } PixelSampler::StartPixel(p); }
八、Sobol’ 采样 (0,2)序列采样在Halton采样的基础上改进,仅使用基数为$2$的根逆函数,而且使用不同的生成矩阵,但它仅考虑一维和两维的情况。由此,考虑全部维度使用不同的生成矩阵,就是Sobol序列的采样方法。Sobol序列也只考虑基数为$2$的根逆函数,采样向量的每个维度都有格子不同的生成矩阵$C$。生成矩阵的获取由特殊的算法得到,这里 给出了Sobol序列的预计算好的生成矩阵,可以直接拿来用。下面实现了Sobol采样,它的关键点就是生成矩阵的SobolMatrices32
1 2 3 4 5 6 inline float SobolSampleFloat (int64_t a, int dimension, uint32_t scramble) { uint32_t v = scramble; for (int i = dimension * SobolMatrixSize; a != 0 ; a >>= 1 , i++) if (a & 1 ) v ^= SobolMatrices32[i]; return std ::min(v * 0x1 p-32f , FloatOneMinusEpsilon); }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 class SobolSampler : public GlobalSampler { public : std ::unique_ptr <Sampler> Clone(int seed); SobolSampler(int64_t samplesPerPixel, const Bounds2i &sampleBounds) : GlobalSampler(RoundUpPow2(samplesPerPixel)), sampleBounds(sampleBounds) { if (!IsPowerOf2(samplesPerPixel)) Warning("Non power-of-two sample count rounded up to %" PRId64 " for SobolSampler." , this ->samplesPerPixel); resolution = RoundUpPow2( std ::max(sampleBounds.Diagonal().x, sampleBounds.Diagonal().y)); log2Resolution = Log2Int(resolution); } int64_t GetIndexForSample(int64_t sampleNum) const ; Float SampleDimension (int64_t index, int dimension) const ; private : const Bounds2i sampleBounds; int resolution, log2Resolution; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Float SobolSampler::SampleDimension(int64_t index, int dim) const { Float s = SobolSample(index, dim); if (dim == 0 || dim == 1 ) { s = s * resolution + sampleBounds.pMin[dim]; s = Clamp(s - currentPixel[dim], (Float)0 , OneMinusEpsilon); } return s; }
Reference $[1]$ M, Jakob W, Humphreys G. Physically based rendering: From theory to implementation[M]. Morgan Kaufmann, 2016.