Wencong Yang(杨文聪)
Hi, there. I finally graduated from Intelligent and Multimedia Science Laboratory of Sun Yat-sen University. Luckily for me, I was advised by Prof. Chengying GAO during-the graduate study. At present, I work as a programmer in NetEase in Guangzhou. Enjoy computer graphics!
Tianhe Smart City(天河智慧城), Guangzhou, China
Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU)(中山大学)
School Of Computer Science And Engineering(计算机学院(软件学院))
Intelligent and Multimedia Science Laboratory(智能与多媒体科学实验室)
2015.8 ~ 2019.6: Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science in Sun Yat-sen University
2019.9 ~ 2021.6: Master of Engineering in Software Engineering in Sun Yat-sen University
Wencong Yang, Chengying Gao, A completely parallel surface reconstruction method for particle-based fluids, Computer Graphics International (CGI 2020)

In the summer of 2020 (7.13 ~ 9.18), I worked as an intern of Rendering Engine R & D Engineer of douyin department of Bytedance in Shenzhen.
An offline fluid simulation engine for computer graphics applications.

A soft renderer using C++ from scratch.

The original intention of building such a 3D rendering system from scratch without any help of graphics library is to get a thorough understanding of the three-dimensional rendering process. This project was totally refactored based on previous naive version I built 2 years ago.
Features: Perspective correct per vertex parameter interpolation; Back face culling; Z-buffering (reversed z);Sutherland Hodgeman homogeneous cliping; Accelerated edge function-based triangle rasterization;Texture mapping, nearest texture sampling, and bilinear texture sampling;Tiling and morton curve memory layout for accessing to texture;Phong/Blinn-Phong illumination;Mipmap texture mapping;Reinhard tone mapping;Multi sampling anti-aliasing (MSAA 4X, and MSAA 8X);Alpha blending, and alpha to coverage;Multi-thread parallelization using tbb as backend.
An offline renderer : path tracer. Just a personal toy for learning and playing.

Physically based renderer using OpenGL library.

Features: High Dynamic Range; Bloom Effect for glowing; Cook-Torrance(BRDF lighting model) Physically Based Rendering pipeline; Screen Space Ambient Occlusion for dark details; Defered Shading for large amount of light sources; Image Based Lighting for enviroment map. Nowadays , physically based rendering is popular for its realistic and awesome visual effect.
Please feel free to let me know if you catch any error or typo in my blog. Academic discussions are welcome.
- Github: yangwc
- Wechat: ywc1579148717
- E-mail: 1579148717@qq.com
Some pretty useful and interseting resources and links collected.
- Conferences/Periodicals Papers: SIGGRAPH、SIGGRAPH Asia、EG、PG、I3D; Physics-Based Animation; Pixar Technical Memos
- 3D Models Downloading: Free 3D Pbr Models; Free 3D models for CG digital design and artwork; Humster3D: the biggest online collection of cars, electronics, weapons and other hot things.; Yobi3D: Free 3D Models Search Engine; Rendering Resources; The Stanford 3D Scanning Repository; Standord Models; 3D Models - CMLab Graphics
- Tutorials/Courses on Computer Graphics: Learn OpenGL; Learn Vulkan; GPU Gems; Fluid Simulation for Video Games; Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!; 3d-game-shaders-for-beginners; TU Wien Rendering/Ray Tracing Course; CMU 15-462/662: Computer Graphics Course; Stanford CS148: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Imaging; UCSB CS291A: Real-Time High Quality Rendering Course; DTU 02941: Physically Based Rendering and Material Appearance Modelling; Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games; Rasterization in One Weekend
- Books on Computer Graphics: 《Real-Time Rendering》; 《Physically Based Rendering: From Theory To Implementation》; 《全局光照技术》; 《Fluid Engine Development》; 《Fluid Simulation For Computer Graphics》; 《Ray Tracing in One Weekend》; 《Ray Tracing: the Next Week》; 《Ray Tracing: the Rest of Your Life》; 《Ray Tracing Gems》; 《Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, Fourth Edition》; 《Real-Time Rendering 3rd》提炼总结; 《Real-Time Collision Detection, Christer Ericson》; 《The art of fluid animation》
- Researchers and Scholars: Robert Bridson; Doyub Kim; Christopher Batty; Xinxin Zhang(张心欣); Lingqi Yan(闫令琪); Chenfanfu Jiang(蒋陈凡夫); Prof. Dr. Ligang Liu(刘利刚); Tamar Shinar; Yuanming Hu(胡渊鸣); Yang Gao(高阳); Xiao Zhai(翟骁)
- Something Interesting: GLSL Sandbox; Shader toy; Jiumo Search; McGuire Computer Graphics Archive; Awesome Creative Coding; Coding Labs; HUMUS; TYLER HOBBS; casual-effects